В разное время и в разных местах мне попадалось изображение черта, показывающего длинный нос.
Вот такого:
Покопавшись в интервебах, я выкопал следующее:
"The "tweenie devil" is one of several forms of cock-a-snook or minor diabolical being frequently represented as a mascot for automobiles and motorcycles in the early days of motorsports when owners wanted to make statement while showing pride in their vehicle. Turns out that the term "cock-a -snook" refers to the hand gesture performed by the imp and is a vague idiomatic expression first documented in 1791. Some believe that the phrase may originally have been "to cock a snoot" in describing thumbing one's nose at someone. With this historical backdrop, I wondered why the famous tobaconnist Dunhill utilized the cock-a-snook and more specifically the "tweenie devil" as their mascot. Dunhill originally started off as a saddlery that with the advent of the automobile was transformed into "Dunhill Motorities" by an astute Alfred Dunhill to supply motoring accessories including sidecars for a new class of sporting gentleman. The boot of Alfred Dunhill's own car was adorned with the "tweenie devil" no doubt to challenge others to catch him if they could. Ever the innovator, Alfred Dunhill had many motorsport related patents to include a dashboard clock and a windproof pipe that marked the company's entry into the tobacco business in 1905"
Это несколько проясняет дело.
UPD: в СССР производство таких чертей было налажено на чугунолитейном заводе в городе Касли Челябинской области.